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Events of national interest 1919-1920

D. Herald. RAID ON DEAD MAN'S HOUSE. - Armed soldiers raided the house of secretary of the Irish Drapers Union, while the occupier lay dead.

File information
Album name:bmhadmin / P28: Events of national interest 1919-1920
Notes::Type: Photographs, Format: 88 Pictures taken from various newspapers., Date of Origin: Apl. 1919-Apl. 1920., Artist/Photographer: Press photographers., Artist/Photographer Occupation: N/A , Artist/Photographer Provider: Bernard J Golden, 60 Botanic Avenue, Drumcondra, Dublin., Date Provided: 4th July 1949, Album Notes: N/A
Filesize:500 KiB
Date added:Jul 30, 2012
Dimensions:1257 x 1947 pixels
Displayed:859 times
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