Events of national interest 1919-1920HOW ROYAL IRISH CONSTABULARY IS TRAINED. Daily Mail 1st April 1920. IRISH POLICEMEN AT SCHOOL. - Ex-soldier recruits to the Royal Irish Constabulary, most of them still wearing their army uniforms, in the law school at the depot of the force. They are given six months tuition under a specially qualified instructor. ["Daily Mail" photograph. "ON THE SQUARE" AGAIN! - Even if they have served in the army Royal Irish Constabulary recruits have to go through a course of drill and musketry exercises. A squad at musketry instruction at the depot. ("Daily Mail."
Events of national interest 1919-1920IRISH WEAPONS. DAILY SKETCH 25TH SEPTEMBER 1919. Revolvers and hand-grenades are the new weapons of the Royal Irish Constabulary against assassination.
Events of national interest 1919-1920JUSTICE SITS BEHIND FIXED BAYONETS. Daily sketch 8th April, 1920. Sentries posted outside a Dublin Court while the Lord Chief Justice was sitting. (Daily Sketch.)
Events of national interest 1919-1920PISTOL PRACTICE FOR IRISH POLLICE. DAILY MAIL 14th OCTOBER 1919. Dublin metropolitan Policemen receiving instruction in the use of automatic pistols at Kevin-street depot. After learning the mechanism of revolvers and pistols they undergo a course of 3 hours a day target practice for a week. [Special "Daily Mail" Photograph. ARMS FOR DUBLIN POLICE.- Dublin Metropolitan police. ? An unarmed force are now being served out with fire-arms. A sergeant practicing firing from behind cover with an automatic pistol. [Special "Daily Mail" Photograph,
Events of national interest 1919-1920Daily Sketch May 15. 1919. Bringing in the wounded. The dramatic moment. Awaiting the order for the final charge. The Sinn Fein Boy Scout maneuvers in Dublin were a Joyous affair, and spectators joined in the dash ? The top. Merrily over the top.
Events of national interest 1919-1920Daily Sketch 24 April 1919. Limerick people refused permission to enter the city after attending a hurling match at Cahirdavin.- (D.S.). The Closing of Limerick produce factories means a surplus of milk. It is sold at 2d. a tankard. When the strikers returned from Cahirdavin they found the sentries on Sarsfield bridge strengthened and that no permits meant no gong home. There were no disorderly scenes. -(Daily Sketch.)
Events of national interest 1919-1920D. Herald. RAID ON DEAD MAN'S HOUSE. - Armed soldiers raided the house of secretary of the Irish Drapers Union, while the occupier lay dead.
Events of national interest 1919-1920DUBLIN'S LATEST TERROR. Daily sketch 5th April 1920. As a precaution against an armed rising like that which took place in Easter week, 1916 Dublin was surrounded by troops, and nobody was allowed to pass without being searched. Notwithstanding the measures taken several income tax offices were burnt down. - (Daily Sketch.)
Events of national interest 1919-1920Daily news 24th Feb. 1920. IRON RULE IN IRELAND. - To arrest seven men in Dublin two companies of soldiers, fully equipped, tow armoured cars, a tank and three motor-lorries were employed. The picture shows prisoners being taken away in a motor-lorry.
Events of national interest 1919-1920Daily sketch 15 Dec 1919. Placing a Lewis gun in position outside Dublin's ? House, which was also searched from top to bottom in the ? That volunteers we re meeting there. - (Daily Sketch.)
Events of national interest 1919-1920Assembly of Dail Eireann Members at Mansion House. Left to right, Front Row-Messrs. L. Ginnell, M. Collins, Cathal Brugha, Arthur Griffith, E. De Valera, Count Plunkett, Eoin MacNeill, William Cosgrave, E. Blythe. Second Row-P. Moloney, T. McSweeney, D. Mulcahy, J. O'Doherty, J. O'Mahony, J. Dolan, J. McGuinness, P. O'Keeffe, M Staines, J. McGrath, Dr. Brian Cusack, Liam De Roiste, W. P. Colivet, Rev. Father O'Flanagan. Third Row-P. Ward, A. McCabe, D. Fitzgerald, J. McSweeney, Dr, Hayes, C. Collins, P. O Maillie, James O'Mara, B. O'Higgins, J. J Burke, Kevin O' Higgins. At Back- P. Beasley, Joe MacDonagh, Sean MacEntee, P. Shanahan, Sean Etchingham, R. C. Barton, Paul Galligan.
Events of national interest 1919-1920DAILY HERALD 13th NOV. 1919. BUT NO ARMISTICE FOR IRELAND!- A view of Dublin Castle-the historic centre of reaction in Ireland-with its flag at half-mast on Armistice Day.
Events of national interest 1919-1920DAILY NEWS 14th NOVEMBER 1919. RAID ON DAIL EIREANN.-The Armistice anniversary day raid on the Sinn Fein headquarters in Harcourt-Street, Dublin, was carried cut by troops with fixed bayonets.
Events of national interest 1919-1920MR. SEAN MILROY'S ARREST. Freeman's Journal 3 Nov 1919. Mr. Sean Milroy, on of the best-known Sinn Feiners in Dublin. "snapped" on Saturday afternoon as he was about to enter a military wagon, in which he was conveyed from the Central Police Station, Brunswick street (in which he had been lodged after his arrest earlier in the day), to Mountjoy Prison.
Events of national interest 1919-1920DAILY MAIL 21st May 1919. U.S. SINN FEINERS BACK IN PARIS.-The Irish-American Delegates in consultation at the Grand Hotel, Paris, with tow members of the Sinn Fein "Parliament." Left to right: Messrs. Dunne (Chicago), Sean O'Kelly Walsh (New York), Ryan (Philadelphia), and Gavan Duffy (Dublin) ["Daily Mail.
Events of national interest 1919-1920Daily Sketch 24 April 1919. One of t he notes issued by Strikers' Committee as a protest against Limerick being placed under martial law. -(Daily Sketch.) Irish colleens dancing at the Cahirdavin gathering, the object of which was to protest against the necessity of permits to enter the city.-(Daily Sketch.)
Events of national interest 1919-1920THE IRISH INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY APRIL 10, 1919. A View of the Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis. Mr. De Valera delivering his presidential address at the ard-Fheis in the Mansion House Yesterday. - "Irish Independent" Photos.
Events of national interest 1919-1920Royal Welsh Fusiliers in a side street with fixed bayonets. Sunday Pictorial 13th April 1919. Armoured car with Policeman seated at the back. Group of police on pavement. Stringent precautions were taken at Limerick during the funeral of R. J. Byrne, the Sin Fein hunger striker, but law and order prevailed. His rescue from the local hospital resulted in his death, and was the cause of the death of Constable O'Brien, who was shot while resisting attempts at rescue. There were also casualties to police and Sinn Feiners. About 3,000 young men followed the coffin.-(Sunday Pictorial exclusive photographs.)
Events of national interest 1919-1920Daily Sketch 17 April, 1919. SINN FEIN FUNERAL HONOURS were paid at the burial in Glasnevin Cemetery of a Dublin Boy Scout who took part in the memorable Easter Week rebellion. Daily Sketch. Ap 17th 1919. Soldiers returning with rations to their headquarters, escorted by a guard with fixed bayonets. -(Daily Sketch Photograph)
Events of national interest 1919-1920Daily Mail April 19. 1919. LIMERICK A PROCLAIMED DISTRICT. -Limerick was placed under military control in consequence of the murder of a policeman in a Sinn Fein raid on the workhouse to rescue a man detained there. The Sinn Feiners retaliated by proclaiming a general strike in the district. (Left) Solders placing bar barbed wire on a bridge to prevent it being rushed. (Right) A clerical critic of one of the barbed-wire entanglements. [Daily Mail.
Events of national interest 1919-1920PRISONERS AT TALLAGHT. FREEMAN'S JOURNAL 4th NOV 1919. At a Crimes Court in Tallaght yesterday twenty-two young men who were charged with having taken part in an unlawful assembly at Kilternan on Sunday, October 19, were ordered to give bail to keep the peace or in default go to gaol for six months with hard labour. They refused to give bail. Top-The prisoners proceeding to court after alighting from a military wagon. Below-Returning to Mountjoy Prison.
Events of national interest 1919-1920"SCOTCH AND SODA" AFTER THE RIOT AT LIMERICK. Daily sketch 17 April 1919. The Tank "Scotch and Soda" mounted on Wesley Bridge, at Limerick, Near the spot where the riot took place. -(Daily Sketch.) The Limerick Strike Committee considering applications for food and other permits. Mr. John Cronin, the chairman, is seen at the head of the table.
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