Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.O'Connell Bridge - N.E. corner Lr. O'Connell St. Eden Quay.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Kapp Petersons Corner. Junction Lr. O'Connell St, O'Connell Bridge - Bachelor's Walk.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.The Hibernian Bank Ltd. 6 and 7 Lower O'Connell Street; site of D.B.C., building which was destroyed during Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.M.D. Abbey St - G.P.O. (Manfields to Metropole [Not - 1] - this block held by some 22 men under command of Oscar Traynor).
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Clery's. Lr. O'Connell St- Sackville Place- Trueform (Hoytes) (Imperial Hotel) Command until fire started on Thursday 27.4.16.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Lr O'Connell St. East Side Munster & Winster? Bank (Reis the jewellers with School of Wireless on upper floors. Wireless Station established there until Wed or Thurs 26/27.4.16.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.and upper - Lower O'Connell to Junction Earl St., taken from rere of Nelson Pillar, upper O'Connell St.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.The Metropole - Princes St - G.P.O. (Hotel)
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.G.P.O. & corner of Princes St.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Henry St. & G.P.O. - North face (Doorway through which garrison evacuated G.P.O. was directly ??? here cyclist is)
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Henry Place., H Henry St. G.P.O. garrison on evacuation crossed Henry St. under heavy fire from west end through Henry Place which ? left to Moore St at for end.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Henry Place looking across Moore St. to Sampson's Lane. Turning into Moore Lane on near right of photo. Building opposite Moore Lane - then a house (1916) stormed under ??? it was held by British.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Moore Lane looking North towards Parnell St. A British barricade was at for end of this G.P.O. crossed near end under heavy fire night of 28.4.16.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Henry Place looking towards G.P.O. garrison on evacuation ??? along here turned left ??? corner towards Moore St. (to right of photo).
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Henry Place looking across Henry St. to Sampson's Lane. The O'Reilly was killed at right hand near Moore St & Henry Place. G.P.O. garrison went through doorway in brick building on right. H.Q. was established in this building doorway in 1916 ??? Where ???.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Moore St. for Henry St. looking North. A British barricade stretched across North end of Moore St. Henry Place is opening on right H.Q. established in building at farther corner of Henry Place night of 28.4.16.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.North Earl St., corners and east side of Lower O'Connell St., (site of Imperial Hotel etc.,) taken from upper O'Connell St.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.Upr. O'Connell St., East Side. G.P.O. garrison lined up along street near pathway in front of Gresham Hotel after laying down across in centre of street.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.North Earl St & Talbot St showing tower of S.N.R. Terminer A?? St. Station.
Buildings and places in the G.P.O area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter week 1916.
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