Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Front of Boland's at Grand Canal Quay. These premises were taken over and barricaded, but were not otherwise used.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Front of Boland's at Grand Canal Quay. These premises were taken over and barricaded, but were not otherwise used.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Front of Boland's at Grand Canal Quay. These premises were taken over and barricaded, but were not otherwise used.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Boland's front and Guinness' stores. These stores were heavily attacked by enemy machine guns on Thursday. The bullet marks are plainly visible in photograph. This picture also shows the railway bridge and the distillery in near, from which Bn. green flag was flown.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Opening at end of picture was where 'C' Coy. entered Boland's Bakery.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Huband Bridge, over which enemy crossed to proceed along Clanwilliam Place to attack Clanwilliam House.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Approach of line of attack from Huband Bridge to Clanwilliam House.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Approach of line of attack from Huband Bridge to Clanwilliam House.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Re- built Clanwilliam House.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Schools on Northumberland Road, occupied on Monday and evacuated on Tuesday. No. field of fire.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Schools and Lane, Northumberland Road. It was through this lane that the enemy supports from Beggars Bush Barracks assisted in the attack on Mount Street Bridge.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Parochial Hall, occupied by Irish Volunteers up to Wednesday, when the position was captured by enemy.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Approach from Ballsbridge showing 25 Northumberland Road - first building on left. This post was held by Lieut. Michael Malone. He was killed in its defence and his body buried in the gardens at the corner of Haddington Road. NOTE: This is also the stretch of road from which a doctor took a photograph of the garrison after their surrender and whilst they were marching to the Show Grounds at Ballsbridge.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Clanwilliam Place, showing Grand Canal St. Bridge, which was barricaded by bread - vans and other impedimenta. It shows water tanks on top of building, with division from which effective fire was got on Mount St. Bridge.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Looking in the direction of Ballsbridge showing Mount St. Bridge with area memorial on right; showing lane on left through which enemy reinforcements arrived from Beggars Bush Barracks; showing Percy Place on right of picture, along which the enemy troops advanced, occupying houses thereon, eventually crossing Huband Bridge to proceed to the attack on Clanwilliam House.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Clanwilliam Place, showing Grand Canal Street Bridge, which was barricaded by bread – vans and other impedimenta. It shows water tanks on top of building, with division from which effective fire was got on Mount St. Bridge.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Showing Lane from Beggars Bush.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Haddington Road Church occupied by enemy as observation post.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Looking in the direction of Ballsbridge showing Mount St. Bridge with area memorial on right; showing lane on left through which enemy reinforcements arrived from Beggars Bush Barracks; showing Percy Place on right of picture, along which the enemy troops advanced, occupying houses thereon, eventually crossing Huband Bridge to proceed to the attack on Clanwilliam House.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Horan's Fort (now Hunts) with Terrace and railway bridge. Position dominated Beggars Bush Barracks Gate.
Buildings and places in Bolands mills- Beggars Bush area, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.
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