P1: Group of Officers of the Longford Brigade, I.R.A.

Group of Officers of the Longford Brigade, I.R.A.

Group of Officers of the Longford Brigade, I.R.A.Keeper of Records. I send you herewith for retention one copy of a photograph of a group of officers of the Longford Brigade, I.R.A., which has been loaned to the Bureau by Colonel S. Conway, Rathowen, Co. Westmeath. The original photograph, which has been given to comdt. Matthew Barry for return to Colonel Conway, was taken by Thomas Reddington, O/C. Longford Brigade, about fourteen days prior to the Truce of the 11th July 1921. The names of the men in the photograph are: Front row - E. H. Moran, M. Heslin, S. Conway, Bernard Masterson. Back row - Bernard Garraghan, James Mulligan, M. F. Reynolds, "Brig" Callaghan. Runai: Placed with collection of Photographs:- P. I. Cui C 17/4/51