P26/27: Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.Cartoons. THE REDMOND-O'BRIEN PRESS GANG. ERNEST KAVANAGH ("E. K.") OF "THE WORKER."

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.ERNEST KAVANAGH, brother of the gifted poetess, Maeve Kavanagh, was educated at Synge Street Christian Schools, and devoted his energies and talent to the national and kindred movements, more particularly the cause of Labour. Over the intials E. K. he became a distinguished cartoonist, many of his sketches in the Dublin nationalist and labour papers having been reproduced in the American press. In the light subsequent events, some of his political cartoons were little less than prophetic, notably one entitled "The New Nationalism," which appeared in "Irish Freedom" iin 1912. During the labour war of 1913 his prolific pen did much to bring the workers' grievances vividly before a lethargic public. He managed to find his way into the Dublin recruiting meeting, addressed, in the early days of the war by Messrs. Asquith, Redmond and Dillon, and his racy cartoons of the different speakers not only aroused the liveliest interest at the time but, in face of denials subsequently attempted, contributed to stereotype the parts played by Irish politicians in the recruitment campaign then seriously initiated. Unfortunately the cream of his work disappeared during the seizures which followed the Rising. We are, however, in a position to reproduce a cartoon in 1914, which in spite of the mutilation of Eire's face and its indifferent restoration by other hands, shows a far-seeing appreciation of the Partition proposals. An inherent antipathy to discipline kept Ernest out of the Volunteer ranks, though he was otherwise in active sympathy with the movement. He was known to be absolutely fearless, and had a strange presentiment of his death, which took place on the steps of Liberty Hall on Easter Tuesday, at the age of thirthy-two. His remains were removed to Jervis Street Hospital, and thence to Glasnevin, where, with many others, he was interred in St. Paul's Ground. Events of Easter Week - "Catholic Bulletin," December, 1917.

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.Preface. I HAVE, unworthily, to take the place of Madame de Markievicz in writing an Introduction to this First Volume of Ernest Kavanagh's Cartoons. She is at present a prisoner in Holloway Gaol, England, but I trust that when the three further volumes dealing with Labour, Women's Suffrage, and General Subjects are ready that she will be again at liberty and able to fulfil her kind promise as to the introductory matter. Ernest Kavanagh was a keen student of human nature. He gave less attention to those that he admired than to those that he despised. His heroes-such as James Larkin, his close personal friend-seldom figure in his cartoons: but men that he deemed hypocrites, cowards, tyrants, or liars, these he minutely dissected, and he gives us the result of his studies in a series of drawings, bold and original, and extremely subtle in their delineation not only of facial expression but of character. His technique may not be perfect, but his message in each case is clearly and forcibly told. Many of those whom Ernest Kavanagh lauded were despised when he depicted them most of those whom he despised were respected then. But times have changed, and opinions with them. In many of his pictures he was prophetic. I do not wish to single out any particular names as examples of his judgment of aim and character: he was at variance with Irish public opinion when he drew; readers can judge for themselves who was right- Ernest Kavanagh or the Irish public. THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Frontispiece-A Portrait of Ernest Kavanagh. From a snapshot taken on the Good Friday before Easter Week, 1916. He was killed by British soldiers on Easter Tuesday morning. Page 3. - The New Nationalism ("Irish Freedom.") Messrs. William O'Brien, John Redmond, and John Dillon, M.P's. Drawn in 1912. This foreshadowed the later attitude of these politicians towards Ireland and the British Empire. Bulmer Hobson, and Irish Volunteer, and John Bull (unpublished). The artist looked upon Eoin MacNeill and Bulmer Hobson as bluffers rather than fighters. The last cartoon in the book is also of Hobson. In another cartoon, unfortunately not available for publication, Larkin is represented as surprising a committee Meeting of Irish Volunteers, who look very frightened and demand Jim's expulsion as a "real" revolutionary. Hobson and McNeill are depicted among the Committee. Page 4. - Up Against a Stone Wall. The Volunteers' Temptation ("Irish Worker."). Note the Union Jack over a jail typifying British rule. Page 5. - The One Bright Spot ("Irish Worker."). Worker and Sweater ("Irish Worker.")

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.Page 6.- The Mansion House Fiasco from Within ("Irish Worker.") Ernest Kavanagh managed somehow to gain admission to this recruiting meeting which was held on the 25th September, 1914, and gives his impressions of what he saw. His portrayal of the A.O.H. and the police here are in his best style. Page 7. - A Long, Long Way to Berlin. (Published in "Irish Work. “ a paper which was suppressed after its first number) James Connolly had Ernest Kavanagh's initials deleted from the drawing for fear the latter might get into trouble over it, but he was anything but grateful for this little bit consideration. Hoaxing the Simple Hun (Published as a Post Card). The method of hoaxing here shown is almost as transparent as the methods John Bull uses on Ireland! Page 8. - The Homeward Trail (Unpublished) Though a rough sketch and not intended for publication, this is to my mind, one of the most telling of the cartoons, the figure and expression of John Bull being especially good. “A Thrue and Thried Pathroit“ (Unpublished). A pictorial opinion of the Irish National Foresters. Page 9. – Wolfe Tone. Presented to the Memorial committee for the purpose of raising funds by its sale. Partition (Posthumously published in the “Catholic Bulletin,“ Dec.,1917) Shows Redmond and Carson in league on this question. The Shade of Wolfe Tone (Published as a Post Card). Tone is brought into juxtaposition with two salaried M.P’s, Redmond and Dillon, with considerable effect. Page 10. – The Coming of the Hun (“Irish Worker.”) Note the “Business as Usual“ notice and the “Daily Mail“ placard. Redmond’s March on Wexford (“Irish Worker.”) Drawn on the occasion of a National Volunteer Review in that town. From left to right in the background are William O’Brien, M.P., Stephen Hand, and Lorcan Sherlock. Page 11. – Venus de Milo (Unpublished) Bulmer Hobson and the Peeler (Unpublished). Needs no comment. Aberdeen and Tara (Unpublished). Inside Back Cover. – Tramcar, used on the occasion of the Howth Gun-Running. It is hoped shortly to publish a volume of Ernest Kavanagh’s drawings dealing entirely with Labour subjects. Some of these, especially those in which Mr. William Martin Murphy figures, are among his very best works and show most vividly the humour, the irony, and the tragedy of life. Much of his best work was, alas, stolen by the “G. men“ and British military in their raids on his house, whose aim for Ireland was complete independence from English Rule and from Capitalism, and who used his talents without any remuneration to raise the ideals of others to the level of his own. After the Rising of 1916 the same military ended the life of a most talented and thoughtful artist. “Beannacht De ara Anam.”

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.THE NEW "NATIONALISM."

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.UP AGAINST A STONE WALL. THE VOLUNTEERS' TEMPTATION.

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.THE ONE BRIGHT SPOT. ASQUITH:- "Like all scabs, Redmond, you are a failure from business standpoint." WORKER AND SWEATER.

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.The Mansion House Recruiting Fiasco from Within.

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.IT'S A LONG, LONG WAY TO BERLIN. JOHN BULL-"Help! My brave Hirish."IRISH VOLUNTEER-" After you with the 'Cat,' Fritz." HOAXING THE SIMPLE HUN. Owing to the German submarine blockade a Britsh Shipping Co. proposed to fly the Irish Flag!

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.THE HOMEWARD TRAIL.

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.The Nation Mutilators. Shade of Wolfe Tone: "Traitors and Felon Setters!"

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.THE COMING OF THE HUN. Redmond's March on Wexford.

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.THE SUCCESSOR OF WOLFE TONE "BEG PARDON, CONSTABLE, BUT MAY WE HAE A REVOLUTION" ? THE CONSTABLE: "CERTAINLY ME BHOY, AMUSE YERSELVES, BUT MIND, DON’T BREAK ANY WINDOWS, …. OR ILL SUMMON YE" VENUS, AS THE ALLEGED MORALISTS WOULD HAVE HER. For displaying a picture postcard of Venus de Milo, Messrs. Morrow, art dealers, Nassau Street, had two plate-glass windows smashed after the Man-sion House Meeting, re "Immoral" literature! LORD ABERDEEN - "I am afraid it's too big for me."

Irish volunteers leaders, and events of national interest 1912-1916.BIRRELL'S BULLIES