P36: Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Picture of a section of the college of Surgeons roof. Me. O'Doherty was one of the first men sent to this post on Tuesday morning after. retreat from St. Stephens Green. He received machine gunfire. Wounds and died two years afterwords.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.West side of St. Stephens Green. Shrubbery was very useful for cover Monday and early Tuesday morning Easter Week for Irish Republican

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.This picture gives the west side of St. Steph Green and also shows the shrubbery which was very useful for cover on Monday and early Tuesday morning of Easter Week for Irish Republican Forces

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.St. Stephens Green with Shelbourne Hotel in the background. The trees and shrubbery gave protection to the Irish Volunteers on Easter Tuesday morning when the machine guns commenced operations from the Shelbourne Hotel.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.St Stephens Green with the Shelbourne Hotel in the background The trees & Shrubbery gave protection to the Irish Republican Forces on Easter Tuesday morning when the Machine guns commenced operations from the Shelbourne Hotel

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.St. Stephen's Green with the Shelbourne Hotel in the background. The trees and shrubbery gave protection to the Irish Volunteers on Easter Tuesday morning when the machine guns commenced operating from the Shelbourne Hotel

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.St Stephens Green with the Shelbourne Hotel in the background the trees and shrubbery gave protection to the Irish Republican Forces on Easter Tuesday morning when the Machine guns commenced operating from the Shelbourne Hotel.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Portion of Hatch Street looking on to Harcourt St., where one of the barricades was built across the street so as to prevent the main body of no. 2 boy, under Capt Richd. McCormack being cut off from Headquarters at St. Stephen's green.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.This is portion of Hatch Street looking on to Harcourt St. where one of the barricades was built across the Street. So as to prevent the main body of No 2 boy. Under Capt. Richd McCormack being out off from Headquarters at St Stephens Green.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The Shelbourne Hotel where the main Forces of the British were established. Another picture of the Shelbourne Hotel where the main forces of the British were established.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Another picture of the Shelbourne Hotel where the main forces of the British were established

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Davy's Public House at Portobello Bridge in the distance. It was here that Serg't. Thos. Doyle with his small section of men delayed the advance of the British Forces for many hours which had been dispatched from Portobello Barracks.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Davys Public House at Portobello Bridge in the distance. It was here that Sergt Thos Doyle with his small section of men delayed the advance of the British Forces for many hours which had been dispatch from Portobello Barracks

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The buildings on the right hand side of the College of Surgeous were also occupied by the Irish Volunteers.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The buildings on the right hand side of the College of Surgeons were also occupied by Irish Republican Forces

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.A close up view of Davy's Public House which was occupied by a small section of men under the charge of Lieut. Thomas Doyle. Their orders were to delay the British Forces approach to the City for a certain period and to fall back on Harcourt Street Station where the main body of the Company were operating. Of men under the charge of Leiut. Thomas Doyle. Their orders where to delay the British Forces approach to the City for a certain period and to fall back on Harcourt Street Station where the main body of the company were operating

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.A close up view of Davy's Public House which was occupied by a small section of men under the charge of Leiut. Thomas Doyle. Their orders where to delay the British Forces approach to the City for a certain period and to fall back on Harcourt Street Station where the main body of they company were operating

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Shelbourne Hotel was occupied on Monday night by the British Forces, who, with the aid of machine guns, dominated St. Stephen's Green. This building was to have been occupied by Leiut, George Norgrove and fifty men. The McNeill order cancelling Easter Sunday's mobilization upset original plan. Norgrove was called to another post of pressing importance at the City Hall.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Shelbourne Hotel was occupied on Monday night by the British Forces with the aid of machine guns dominated St. Stephen's Green This Building was to have been occupied by Leiut George Norgrove and fifty men. The McNeill order cancelling Easter Sunday's mobilization upset original plan Norgrove was called to another post of pressing importance at the City Hall.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The United Service Club which was occupied by the British Forces is situated on the North side of St. Stephen's Green. But for a last moment cancellation this building would have received very special attention from the Irish Vol's on Easter Tuesday night. It was continually under snipers fire throughout the week.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.United Services Here we see the Universal Club which was occupied by the British Forces it is situated on the North side of St. Stephens Green But for a last moment cancellation would have received very special attention from Irish Republican Forces on Easter Tuesday Night. It was continually under snipers fire throughout the week.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The houses this side of the College of Surgeons were occupied by Lieut. Robert De Cocur's section. One of the men in his section was Liam O'Briain, now a professor in Galway University.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The houses this side by the College of Surgeons were occupied by Leiut Robert De Cocur's Section One of the men in his section was Liam O'Briain now a Professor in Galway University.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.On the opposite corner of Grafton and South King's Street but not in this picture is Nobletts Street Shop. Which was to have been occupied by Leiut Kavanagh's Section. This section was to have protected Leiut McKelly's Section which in turn was to have occupied temporarily some of the houses on the opposite side and work sufficently near the Universal Club the set fire to the last house nearest the Club in order to smoke the British Forces from that position.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.