P36: Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.This picture shows the entrance to Grafton Street and portion of the North side of St Stephens Green. A plan for offensive action was cancelled at the last moment against the Universal Club. Nobblets Shop on opposite corner of Grafton St not shown in this picture was to be occupied by Leiut Seamus Kavanagh and a small party. While Leiut. Michael Kelly with another party was to set fire to buildings close to Universal Club. Both section were to be supported by a continous rifle fire from College of Suregons and houses occupied on West side of St. Stephens Green. The attack was to have Commenced at 10 pm.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Another picture of Littles Public House showing how it commanded the entire South Side of St Stephens Green and the Protection it afforded to the Republican forces while in occupation of St Stephen's Green.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Directly behind the Centre Figure is the Flagpole which the tie - color was flown over the College of Surgeons. The flag was handed into the College by Miss Margaret Skinnider and was hoisted over the building by Sergt Frank Robbins & David O'Leary.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The houses on the North Side of the College of Surgeons to within a couple of houses from South King's Street were occupied by Irish Republican Forces. The Turkish Baths (Now Stephens Green Cinema) were occupied on Easter Tuesday morning by Leiut O'Riordan and a section of Irish Volunteers from Cdt McDonagh's Garrison.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The Railway Bridge overlooking Harcourt Road and South Circular Roads was occupied by Capt J. J. O'Neill's section. This post gave protection to the main body in Harcourt Street Station and also aided in covering retreat of Sergt Thomas Doyle's section when the latter had accomplished their mission at Davy's Public house.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Russell Hotel was reported to be occupied in the latter part of Easter Week by the British Forces.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.College of Surgeons and York Street provided another connecting link with Jacobs Garrison. The side entrance was used to great extent Many of the inhabitants of this area were very hostile to the Irish Republican Forces.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.East side of St. Stephen's Green with St Vincent's Hospital. This area while not clear of activity was not given the same attention. Beyond the occupation of a house in Leeson by Leiut Thos O'Donohoe (Now Father O'Donohoe of Rotherham Yorkshire) and a few men for a temporarily period.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.No 2 Coy. J.C.A. Halted at Harcourt Railway Station Sergt Doyle's section left main body to occupy Davy's Public House Remainder of Coy. Entered Station after short interval and took control and later dispersed to previously planned positions.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Littles Public House (Now Cullens) from St Stephens Green & Cuffe St corner commanded the approach towards Jacobs Factory and provided a neccessary link between Cdt. Thos McDonagh and Cdt. McMallin forces.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.The shop opposite the first lamp standed was known as Little's Public House. It commanded looking South the whole length of Harcourt St. from the Cuffe Street side. Looking East it commanded the South side of St. Stephen's Green and Leeson St. and also buildings on the East side of St. Stephens Green.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.A night patrol of J.C.A were attacked a short distance from the corner of the Russell Hotel in Harcourt St. on Wednesday 26th April 1916. Fred Ryan was killed. Miss Margaret Skinnider received four bullet wounds. She was carried to the College of Suregons for Medical attention and shortly before surrender was removed to Hospital.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Capt Richd McCormack Leiut McKelly and McDonnelly occupied the roof of Kapp & Petersons very early on Easter Tuesday morning and co-operated with College of Sergeons Garrison in aiding the retreat of the main body from St. Stephens Green.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.College of Surgeons taken over in the late afternoon of Easter Monday by Sergt. Frank Robbins, David O'Leary, Fred Ryan, John Joe Henderson, Madame Markievicz Mary Hyland Lily Kempson also accompanied the party.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.At the bottom of this laneway the back gate from the College of Suregons lead to back entrance to Turkish Baths which was occupied by small section of Irish Volunteers under Leiut O'Riordan on Easter Tuesday morning.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.

Buildings and places in the St. Stephen's Green area, Dublin, associated with the Rising of Easter Week 1916.Here we see the Universal Club which was occupied by the British Forces it is situated on the North side of St. Stephen's Green. But for a last moment cancellation would have received very special attention from Irish Republican Forces on Easter Tuesday Night. It was continually under Snipers fire throughout the week.