P7: Countess Markievicz in I.C.A. uniform.

Countess Markievicz in I.C.A. uniform.Keogh Bros. Ltd. 124, St. Stephens Green, W. and 75, Lower Dorset St. Dublin.

Countess Markievicz in I.C.A. uniform.Keogh Bros. Ltd TELEPHONES 52508 AND DRUMCONDRA 76 ALL NEGATIVES CAREFULLY PRESREVED EXTRA COPIES OF THIS PHOTOGRAPH MAY BE OBTAINED ON QUOTING NO. WE CAN MAKE PERMANENT ENLARGEMENTS AND CHARMING MINIATURES AT COMPETITIVE PRICES FROM THIS PHOTOGRAPH. The possession of the original negative of this photograph enables us to guarantee enlargements etc. made by us from it to be better than those made by other firms who have to make a copy negative